connectAdvanced(selectorFactory, [connectOptions])
Connects a React component to a Redux store. It is the base for connect()
but is less opinionated about how to combine state
, props
, and dispatch
into your final props. It makes no assumptions about defaults or memoization of results, leaving those responsibilities to the caller.
It does not modify the component class passed to it; instead, it returns a new, connected component class for you to use.
selectorFactory(dispatch, factoryOptions): selector(state, ownProps): props
(Function): Initializes a selector function (during each instance's constructor). That selector function is called any time the connector component needs to compute new props, as a result of a store state change or receiving new props. The result ofselector
is expected to be a plain object, which is passed as the props to the wrapped component. If a consecutive call toselector
returns the same object (===
) as its previous call, the component will not be re-rendered. It's the responsibility ofselector
to return that previous object when appropriate.[
] (Object) If specified, further customizes the behavior of the connector.[
] (Function): computes the connector component's displayName property relative to that of the wrapped component. Usually overridden by wrapper functions. Default value:name => 'ConnectAdvanced('+name+')'
] (String): shown in error messages. Usually overridden by wrapper functions. Default value:'connectAdvanced'
] (String): if defined, a property named this value will be added to the props passed to the wrapped component. Its value will be the number of times the component has been rendered, which can be useful for tracking down unnecessary re-renders. Default value:undefined
] (Boolean): controls whether the connector component subscribes to redux store state changes. If set to false, it will only re-render when parent component re-renders. Default value:true
] (String): the key of props/context to get the store. You probably only need this if you are in the inadvisable position of having multiple stores. Default value:'store'
] (Boolean): If true, stores a ref to the wrapped component instance and makes it available viagetWrappedInstance()
method. Default value:false
Additionally, any extra options passed via
will be passed through to yourselectorFactory
in thefactoryOptions
A higher-order React component class that builds props from the store state and passes them to the wrapped component. A higher-order component is a function which accepts a component argument and returns a new component.
Static Properties
(Component): The original component class passed toconnectAdvanced(...)(Component)
Static Methods
All the original static methods of the component are hoisted.
Instance Methods
getWrappedInstance(): ReactComponent
Returns the wrapped component instance. Only available if you pass { withRef: true }
as part of the options
returns a higher-order component, it needs to be invoked two times. The first time with its arguments as described above, and a second time, with the component:connectAdvanced(selectorFactory)(MyComponent)
does not modify the passed React component. It returns a new, connected component, that you should use instead.
of a specific user depending on props, and inject props.userId
into the action
Inject import * as actionCreators from './actionCreators'
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'
function selectorFactory(dispatch) {
let ownProps = {}
let result = {}
const actions = bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch)
const addTodo = (text) => actions.addTodo(ownProps.userId, text)
return (nextState, nextOwnProps) => {
const todos = nextState.todos[nextOwnProps.userId]
const nextResult = { ...nextOwnProps, todos, addTodo }
ownProps = nextOwnProps
if (!shallowEqual(result, nextResult)) result = nextResult
return result
export default connectAdvanced(selectorFactory)(TodoApp)